Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hungry, Why Wait? Grab a Zebra

Ever since the passing of the late Steve Irwin, there has been somewhat of a void in that arena of wilderness. Welcome the triple XXX of the jungle, the fear factor food consumer on purpose, the natural survivor, Bear Grylls. In this youtube clip, watch as he rips through the Zebra hide and digs in like he's a lion or some shit. He seems a little too eager to eat that raw flesh, but to each is own. The stinch of carcass doesn't throw him off a bit, he's a survivor. "What about salmonella?" you might say. No need to cook the meat, because the bacteria has enough calories in it for me to live on for the next few days. How does he know how many calories are in zebra meat anyway? And why didn't he cook it first? Because he's a survivor dammit. and they don't do that.

Kase Closed.

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